Resolutions or Word for the Year?

I've seen number of posts about people making their resolutions or choosing a word for the year.  Now that we are almost halfway thru the month, a lot of us have fallen behind in our resolutions.  A single word seems to have more power.  You can pull it out and look at it.  You don't feel guilty.  It's a positive reminder for action, not a reminder of failure.  I have done the annual word for several years now.  Not sure where I would be if I didn't. I believe I am in a better place for keeping a simple word in front of me for 365 days. This year I am choosing "Simplify."  I know those of you who know me are laughing, and I am right there with you.  My intentions are pure and I hope my followup will be a carry thru.  By writing this blog post, I am hoping to be accountable to align my thinking and my life with that little word.  I don't think this is going to be easy.  I am going to try to center my life with more purpose and less fluff.  Readers keep me honest in this pursuit, please.